1. Which of these statements is true?
a) Ireland is part of the United Kingdom.
b) Ireland is part of Scotland
.c) Ireland is an independent country.
2. Which colour is associated with Ireland?
a) green
b) red

c) blue
3. What is the approximate population of Ireland?
a) 4.3 million
b) 21.5 million
c) 43 million
4. Which two sports are both very popular in Ireland?
a) football and American football
b) football and Gaelic football
c) golf and basebal
5. What is ‘Guinness’?
a) a kind of beer
b) the capital of Ireland
c) a kind of Irish music
6. Which of these has not increased in Ireland since the 1990s?
a) the number of immigrants
b) foreign investment
c) the number of people leaving the country to live abroad
7. Which of these statements is true?
a) Irish people have a reputation for being talkative.
b) Ireland’s national day is called Saint Rafael’s Day.
c) It doesn’t rain very often in Ireland.
8. What is ‘Gaelic’?
a) a language
b) a kind of food
c) the capital of Ireland
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