What is the name of the current President of the United States?
George Bush.
What are the two main parties in the US?
Democrat and Republican.

What are the symbols of these two parties?
The Republican Party's symbol is an elephant, and the Democratic Party's symbol is a donkey.
Give the names of this year’s candidates and their respective party
Barack Obama, from Democratic Party and John McCain from Republican Party.
How often do presidential elections take place?
They take place every four years.
In Spain , voters go to the polls to elect the president whereas in America voters go to the polls to elect the Electoral College. According to you, what do the electors of the Electoral college do ?
They emit their votes to choose the president and vicepresident.
How many people are there in the Electoral College?
There are 538 electors.
After answering the last two questions, say if ordinary Americans directly vote for the President
No, they don't.
What do you call the team formed by the candidates for presidency and vice-presidency?
It's called a ticket
What will be the date of the Presidential election this year?
The 4rd of November.
When does the President deliver his first presidential speech (give the date).
The 20th of January, 2009.
Where does the President of the US live?In what city?
In the White House, Washington
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