Copyright 2008, iT’s Magazines, S.L.
Answers1.Barack Hussein Obama.
2.In Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
3.On August 4, 1961.
4.He’s 6’1" (1.87 m) tall.
5.His father is from a village in Kenya and his mother is from a small town in Kansas, USA.
6.Yes, he is. His wife’s name is Michelle and they have two daughters, Malia Ann and Natasha.
7.Barack Obama went to Harvard Law School and is a lawyer. He is now a senator for the state of Illinois. He is also Democratic Party candidate for president of the United States of America.
8.He likes Shakespeare, Toni Morrison and Herman Melville’s Moby Dick.
9.Bob Dylan, Miles Davis, Elton John and Jay-Z.
10.Casablanca, The Godfather, and The Godfather: Part II.
11.SportsCenter, a TV sports news show.
12.Playing basketball, writing and being with his children.
Questions1.What's name of the new president of the United States?
2.Where did he born?
3.When's his birthday?
4.What's his height?
5.From where is his family?
6.Is he married?
7.Something about his career
8.Who are his favourites writers?
9.And his favourites music groups?
10.Wich are Obama's favourites films?
11.His hobbies